About Me

👋🏼 I'm Indira greys

I served in the US Navy for 4 years and after working with the veteran community, I realized I could make a positive impact in the lives of those who have served. At the time at which I built this site, I had reached financial stability and felt like I had a good balance in my life. A huge part of what was missing was the ability to help others. I decided to pay it forward by building a community filled with resources that would empower individuals and help them reach a balanced and successful life. 

The Podcast

On The Veteran Network podcast we discuss information provided on this site along with many of the issues that face the veteran community. There are interviews with subject matter experts that will provide valuable information and tools to empower individuals, and there are also interviews with fellow veterans that provide insight on how to arm the veteran community with the proper tools to reach success. Click the link below for podcast information and episodes.

The Website

On this website you will find content regarding subjects like veteran benefits, transitioning/changing careers, finances, and productivity. I’ll probably also throw in a random fact or study (#imaNerd) here and there in order to provide you with interesting and helpful information along your journey. 

Our Mission

The Veteran Network is committed to gathering resources, opportunities, and subject matter experts in a centralized location that is accessible for the veteran community across the country and can influence as many lives as possible.

I am a firm believer that the process of reaching success, the process of healing, and the process of reaching a balanced and happy life is accomplished through the support of others. I don’t have all the answers, and the information found on this website may not encompass everything there is to know about a topic, but I know that as a community we can build this network to be an amazing resource.